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Octave 3.2.4 For Mac

Octave 3.2.4 For Mac

I'm trying to work my way through the Stanford open machine learning course and it requires me to run a.m file called submit1.m I have this file and i have made sure i am in the correct directory. When i try to run this file and submit my answer example - submit1.m(eye(5,5) I receive this error message: error: `submit1' undefined near line 9 column 1 Sorry in advance if I'm missing something really simple but I am a completely new to octave. I have search for an answer on many forums but none of the given solutions are working for me. If any more information is required please ask and i will do my best.

For the zip archives, the user should extract the file content to a directory on the harddrive (such as C: Octave). Manual shortcuts can then be created to either the octave.bat or octave.vbs files in the main installation directory. Note that starting with Octave 4.4.0, the shortcuts will no longer start the graphical user interface by default. Feb 26, 2010 - Hi, I'm a beginner and am trying to install Octave 3.2.4 on ubuntu. I have a 64 bit processor. I downloaded a.tar.gz file from this website:. Download octave ubuntu, octave ubuntu, octave ubuntu download free.

V1=1 2 3% defines a 3-D row vector. V1=1, 2, 3% Same as above.

Separator is either space or comma v2=1;2;3% this defines a column vector. V2=v1'%transpose of v1, i.e. Column vector m1=1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9%defines a 3x3 matrix m1=1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9;%semicolon suppresses echo m2=-4 5 6; 1 2 -87; 12 -43 12; m2(:, 1)% Extracts the first column m2(2,:)% Extracts the second row m2(2,3)=10;% Assigns 10 to the (2,3) element of m2. M1.v2%matrix multiplication inv(m1)%inverse of m1 vec, lambda = eig(m1)% eigenvectors and eigenvalues of m1 m1 m2% inverse of m1 times m2, same as inv(m1).m2 m1.v2% matrix m1 times vector v2 a=eye(3)% 3x3 identity matrix a=zeros(3)% 3x3 matrix with 0 as components a=ones(3)% 3x3 matrix with 1 as components det(m1)% determinant of m1. X=0:0.1:10;%initial value, increment, final value y=sin(x); plot(x, sin(x));%calls Gnuplot x=linspace(0,2, 20)% between 0 and 2 with 20 divisions plot(x, sin(x))%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% x=0: 0.2: 10; y=1/2.

Octave 3.2.4 For Mac

Octave 3.2.4 For Mac Windows 10

sin(2.x)./ x; xlabel('X-axis'); ylabel('sin(2x)/x'); plot(x, y); close;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% t=0: 0.02: 2.pi; plot(cos(3.t), sin(2.t))%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% x=0: 0.01: 2.pi; y1=sin(x); y2=sin(2.x); y3=sin(3.x); plot(x, y1, x, y2,x, y3);%%%%%%%%%%%%%% xx=-10:0.4:10; yy=xx; x,y=meshgrid(xx,yy); z=(x.^2+y.^2).sin(y)./y; mesh(x,y,z) surfc(x,y,z) contour(x,y,z) close.

Octave 3.2.4 For Mac